General Knowledge Questions for Class 1

General Knowledge Questions for Class 1

General knowledge helps us improve our understanding of the world we live in. So it is important to start learning and improving your GK from a young age. This list of GK questions for class 1 students, compiled by The HDFC School teachers, will help young children boost their general awareness, which will help them stand out in class.

Why is GK Important for Class 1 Students?

General Knowledge is important for Class 1 students because it broadens their understanding, enhances critical thinking skills, and encourages curiosity. It helps in the holistic development of children by building self-confidence, improving communication skills and decision-making. GK supports academic performance, prepares students for future challenges, and lays the foundation for lifelong learning.

At The HDFC Schools, we pay great attention to ensuring that our students become street smart and astute as well as academically sound, by going beyond just the textbook. It is this attention to detail when it comes to the holistic development of children that has helped us rank among the best schools in Gurugram, top schools in Bengaluru and also among the 10 best schools in Pune.

List of GK Questions for Class 1 with Answers

Q1. What is the colour of the Sun
Answer: The Sun is a collection of all colours, so it is actually white in colour. However, it often appears to be yellow, orange or red.

Q2. Which animal is known as the "king of the jungle"
Answer: The lion is often referred to as the "king of the jungle" because of its strength and power.

Q3. How many legs does a dog have
Answer: A dog has four legs. Any animal with four legs is known as a Quadruped.

Q4. What is the largest planet in our solar system
Answer: Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

Q5. How many days are there in a week
Answer: There are seven days in a week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Q6. Which Planet is closest to the Sun
Answer: Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

Q7. How many continents are there in the world
Answer: There are seven continents in the world: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia (Oceania), and South America.

Q8. What is the tallest animal in the world
Answer: The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. It can be anywhere between 14 to 20 feet tall.

Q9. What is the national bird of India
Answer: The national bird of India is the Peacock.

Q10. How many fingers does a human have on one hand
Answer: A human has five fingers on one hand.

Q11. Which planet is closest to the Earth
Answer: Venus is the planet that is closest to Earth.

Q12. What is the largest ocean in the world
Answer: The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.

Q13. Which season comes after winter
Answer: The season that comes after winter is spring.

Q14. How many minutes are there in an hour
Answer: There are 60 minutes in an hour.

Q15. What is the capital city of India
Answer: The capital city of India is New Delhi.

Q16. Which animal can fly and is known for building nests
Answer: Birds can fly and are known for building nests.

Q17. How many colours are there in a rainbow
Answer: There are seven colours in a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. An easy way to remember the colours is by memorising the term “VIBGYOR”, which is the combination of the first letters of every colour.

Q18. Which planet is known as the "Red Planet"
Answer: Mars is known as the "Red Planet" because of its reddish appearance.

Q19. How many seasons are there in a year
Answer: There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Q20. What is the national animal of India
Answer: The national animal of India is the tiger. Tigers are known for their beauty, strength, and grace.

Q21. Who wrote the story of "The Three Little Pigs"
Answer: The Three Little Pigs is a famous children's story, and it was written by various authors over time. However, the most well-known version is by Joseph Jacobs.

Q22. What is the opposite of "happy"
Answer: The opposite of "happy" is "sad." When someone is sad, they may feel unhappy or not joyful.

Q23. What is the capital letter at the beginning of the sentence called
Answer: The capital letter at the beginning of a sentence is called the "capital letter" or "uppercase letter." It is used to indicate the start of a sentence.

Q24. What is the opposite of "big"
Answer: The opposite of "big" is "small." When something is small, it is not large in size.

Q25. What is the plural form of "cat"
Answer: The plural form of "cat" is "cats." When there is more than one cat, we use the plural form.

Q26. What are the vowels in the English Language
Answer: A, E, I, O, and U are the vowels in English. There are 26 alphabets in English out of which 5 are vowels and the rest are consonants.

Q27. What do we call the words that rhyme at the end of a line in a poem
Answer: The words that rhyme at the end of a line in a poem are called "rhyming words." They create a musical and rhythmic effect in poetry.

Q28. What is the opposite of "day"
Answer: The opposite of "day" is "night." Daytime refers to the period when the sun is visible, while nighttime is when it is dark outside.

Q29. What is the punctuation mark used to end a sentence
Answer: The punctuation mark used to end a sentence is called a "full stop" or "period." It indicates the completion of a thought or statement.

Q30. What is the opposite of "fast"
Answer: The opposite of "fast" is "slow." When something moves slowly, it is not fast.

Q31. What is a synonym for "happy"
Answer: A synonym for "happy" is "joyful." Both words convey a sense of happiness or positive emotions.

Q32. What do we call a word that describes a person, place, or thing
Answer: A word that describes a person, place, or thing is called an "adjective." Adjectives provide additional information about nouns.

Q33. What is the opposite of "hot"
Answer: The opposite of "hot" is "cold." When something is cold, it has a low temperature.

Q34. What is a group of sheep called
Answer: A group of sheep is called a "flock." Sheep often move and graze together in a flock.

Q35. What is a synonym for "big"
Answer: A synonym for "big" is "large." Both words refer to something of significant size.

Q36. What is the opposite of "soft"
Answer: The opposite of "soft" is "hard." Soft objects are not firm or rigid, while hard objects have a solid and resistant texture.

Q37. What is the punctuation mark used to ask a question
Answer: The punctuation mark used to ask a question is called a "question mark." It is placed at the end of a sentence to indicate a direct question.

Q38. What is a word that represents an action called
Answer: A word that represents an action is called a "verb." Verbs describe what someone or something is doing.

Q39. Which is the smallest state in India
Answer: Goa is the smallest state in India.

Q40. Which two animals give us milk
Answer: Cow and Goat give us milk.

Q41. What is the natural source of light in the sky during the day
Answer: The natural source of light in the sky during the day is the sun. It provides us with heat and light.

Q42. What is the colour of the leaves on most trees
Answer: The colour of the leaves on most trees is green. They contain a pigment called chlorophyll, which gives them their green colour.

Q43. What is the process by which plants make food
Answer: The process by which plants make food is called photosynthesis. They use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose (food) and release oxygen.

Q44. What is the main source of water on Earth
Answer: The main source of water on Earth is the oceans. They cover a large part of the planet's surface.

Q45. Which natural resource do we get from trees
Answer: We get wood from trees, which is a valuable natural resource. Wood is used for making furniture, buildings, and other useful items.

Q46. What is the process of water turning into vapour called
Answer: The process of water turning into vapour is called evaporation. It happens when water is heated or exposed to sunlight.

Q47. Which season is known for its falling leaves
Answer: The season known for its falling leaves is autumn. During this season, leaves change colour and fall from the trees.

Q48. What do we call the protective covering of the Earth's surface
Answer: The protective covering of the Earth's surface is called the "soil." Soil provides nutrients and support for plant growth.

Q49. What is the source of energy that comes from the wind
Answer: The source of energy that comes from the wind is called wind energy. It is harnessed by wind turbines to generate electricity.

Q50. What is the process of water falling from the atmosphere to the Earth called
Answer: The process of water falling from the atmosphere to the Earth is called precipitation. It includes rain, snow, sleet, and hail.

Q51. What is the importance of recycling
Answer: Recycling is important because it helps reduce waste and conserves resources. It involves converting used materials into new products.

Q52. What is the purpose of composting
Answer: Composting is the process of turning organic waste into nutrient-rich soil. It is used to improve soil fertility and reduce waste.

Q53. What is the main cause of air pollution
Answer: The main cause of air pollution is the release of harmful gases and particles into the air from vehicles, industries, and the burning of fossil fuels.

Q54. Which natural resource is used to generate electricity in hydroelectric power plants
Answer: Water is used to generate electricity in hydroelectric power plants. The force of moving water is used to turn turbines and produce electricity.

Q55. What is the primary source of food for most living organisms
Answer: The primary source of food for most living organisms is plants. They are the base of the food chain and provide energy to other organisms.

Q56. What do we call the process of turning waste materials into new products
Answer: The process of turning waste materials into new products is called recycling. It helps conserve resources and reduce landfill waste.

Q57. Which natural resource do we get from underground sources, such as wells
Answer: We get groundwater from underground sources, such as wells. It is an important source of drinking water and irrigation.

Q58. What is the purpose of conservation
Answer: The purpose of conservation is to protect and preserve natural resources, wildlife, and the environment for future generations.

Q59. What is the primary source of energy for living organisms
Answer: The primary source of energy for living organisms is the sun. It provides energy for photosynthesis and is the basis of the food chain.

Q60. What is the importance of reducing waste
Answer: Reducing waste is important to minimise the impact on the environment and conserve resources. It involves using fewer materials and recycling.

Q61. How many sides does a square have
Answer: A square has four sides of equal length. Each side meets at a right angle.

Q62. What is the shape of a pizza
Answer: The shape of a pizza is usually round, resembling a circle.

Q63. What comes after the number 10
Answer: The number that comes after 10 is 11. It continues the counting sequence.

Q64. How many sides does a rectangle have
Answer: A rectangle has four sides. Its opposite sides are equal in length, and all angles are right angles.

Q65. What is the shape of a traffic stop sign
Answer: A traffic stop sign is shaped like an octagon, which means it has eight sides.

Q66. How many corners (vertices) does a circle have
Answer: A circle does not have any corners or vertices. It is a perfectly round shape.

Q67. What is the result of adding 2 and 3 together
Answer: The result of adding 2 and 3 together is 5. The result of adding two or more numbers is known as the sum of those numbers.

Q68. How many sides does a hexagon have
Answer: A hexagon has six sides. All six sides are equal in length.

Q69. How many sides does a Pentagon have
Answer: A pentagon has five sides. Each side connects to the adjacent sides, forming a closed figure.

Q70. What is the result of subtracting 4 from 9
Answer: The result of subtracting 4 from 9 is 5. The result of subtracting one number from another is known as the difference between the two numbers.

Q71. How many sides does an octagon have
Answer: An octagon has eight sides. All eight sides are equal in length.

Q72. How many sides does a diamond shape have
Answer: A diamond shape has four sides. It is a rhombus, where opposite sides are equal in length.

Q73. What is the result of multiplying 3 by 2
Answer: The result of multiplying 3 by 2 is 6. The result of multiplying two or more numbers is known as the product.

Q74. What is the shape of an oval
Answer: An oval is a shape that is like a stretched-out circle.

Q75. What is the shape of a cone
Answer: A cone is a shape that is pointed at one end and round at the other.

Q76. How many days are there in a year
Answer: There are 365 days in a year, except for leap years, which have 366 days.

Q77. What is the shape of a cylinder
Answer: A cylinder is a shape that is like a can or a drinking glass.

Q78. How many sides does a heptagon have
Answer: A heptagon has seven sides.

Q79. How many sides does a nonagon have
Answer: A nonagon has nine sides.

Q80. What is the shape of a star
Answer: A star is a shape that has five or more points.

Fun General Knowledge Facts for Class 1

  1. The Earth is round like a ball. It spins around, and that's what gives us day and night.
  2. A group of lions is called a pride. They live together and take care of each other.
  3. Did you know that ants are very strong? They can carry things that are many times heavier than themselves!
  4. Dolphins are really smart and friendly animals. They like to swim and jump out of the water.
  5. Can you guess the colour of a flamingo? It's pink! Flamingos have long legs and necks, and they like to stand in the water.
  6. Do you like bananas? They are berries! They are the world's most popular fruit.
  7. A butterfly starts as a tiny egg, then it becomes a caterpillar. After a while, it turns into a beautiful butterfly.
  8. Penguins can't fly, but they are excellent swimmers. They live in cold places like Antarctica.
  9. The sun is a big, hot star that gives us light and warmth. It helps plants grow and gives us energy.
  10. Did you know that honey is made by bees? They collect nectar from flowers and turn it into delicious honey.

Tips for Parents to Improve Their Child’s General Knowledge

Here are a few tips that can help class 1 students improve their general knowledge:
  1. Read picture books with them: Books with colourful pictures and simple sentences can be a great way to improve your child’s general knowledge. Look for books about animals, plants, and everyday objects.
  2. Watch educational videos: Find age-appropriate educational videos or cartoons that teach them about numbers, letters, shapes, and basic science concepts. There are many fun and engaging options available online.
  3. Take your child on nature walks: Take walks in your neighbourhood or local park and make them observe the plants, trees, and animals around. Try to identify different birds, flowers, and insects. Keep a small notebook for them to draw or write about what they discover.
  4. Visit child-friendly museums: Look for museums that have special exhibits or sections designed for young children. These museums often have interactive displays where you can learn about dinosaurs, space, or history in a hands-on way.
  5. Play educational games: Find educational games or apps that focus on maths, reading, and problem-solving skills. Look for games that incorporate characters or themes that you enjoy, making learning more fun.
  6. Use educational websites for kids: Explore kid-friendly websites that offer games, puzzles, and activities. Look for websites that cover topics like maths, science, and vocabulary in an engaging and interactive way.
  7. Conduct simple experiments: Try easy and safe experiments at home under your supervision. For example, you can mix colours, explore sinking and floating objects, or grow a plant from a seed. These hands-on activities will help you understand basic scientific concepts.
  8. Participate in show-and-tell: Take the opportunity to share something interesting with your classmates during show-and-tell sessions. It can be a favourite book, a cool rock you found, or a fun fact you learned. This will help you practise speaking and sharing knowledge with others.


Developing general knowledge in grade 1 is an exciting journey filled with endless opportunities for exploration and learning. By introducing age-appropriate books, educational videos, and interactive activities, we can ignite the curiosity of young minds.

We have an entire library of General Knowledge content for students from class 1 right up to class 10, which you can find linked below:

General Knowledge Questions for Class 1

General Knowledge Questions for Class 2

General Knowledge Questions for Class 3

General Knowledge Questions for Class 4

General Knowledge Questions for Class 5

General Knowledge Questions for Class 6

General Knowledge Questions for Class 7

General Knowledge Questions for Class 8

General Knowledge Questions for Class 9

General Knowledge Questions for Class 10